Ok so lets be real. For me, i have been best friends with the same person for 4 years now. I have always stuck up for her when people where being mean to her. I have lost so many friends because of her. And how does she repay me.... By treating me like dirt, I'm her back up. If her boyfriend is busy or this other girl(who mind you is kind of stupid and boy obsessed) is busy then she will call me.
I'm really tired of it. She was in my project group this past week for a big presentation with 2 other people and she pulled the sick card and made me and the other people do all the work. She is fine! She could go to dinner with her boyfriend all week but couldn't come to school to work on our project for 45 min.. Oh well
This whole weekend has been great! I finally saw my cousins and my aunt for the 1st time in 8 years! But it was like we had seen each other yesterday. I also met someofy cousins for the 1st time! Mandy,Robby and Robby jr. Then there is Michele,Tony and Jordan.(sketch)
It's here it's here!!! Today was amazing I met some amazing people and had a day filled with laughs and a lot of information. Where am I now? In bed sick :(
This always happens to me, u have a fun day and not my body hates me . Yay
Looks like I'm staying in tonight instead of going out with my fellow classmates.
Ok so airports are boring to begin with,but even more when your flight is delayed for 2 hours. When I'm traveling I want to get from point A to point B in a decent amount of him. Yes, I am sassy when I'm tired ��
Well the day that seniors dream about is here.. And I am not talking about graduation. No, it's college orientation! The time of year where we can pick our classes and make new friends.
My college of choice?
Oklahoma State University! Class of 2017!!! Go pokes!!
Why... I dont really find the need for high school in the month or so leading to graduation.. It's like the teachers give up teaching you new things, but still expect you to show up.
Take my AP Environmental Science class.. We finished learning May 4th and now we are just watching random movies like Pirates, Contagion, and Erin Brockovich. Don't get me wrong like watching movies and everything but if I am going to come to school I wasn't to actually learn something. That's what schools about right?